ColorCastFX is a digital photo editing software which enables you to enhance and correct the color cast of your digital photos. Many times, when you take pictures of some landscapes with your digital cameras, you find that the images are not proper even when you take pictures in proper light and weather conditions. In such pictures you may find that grass is dark, almost black, or other details are hidden because of heavy shadows. ColorCastFX can help you in fixing such problems. It can also fix the pictures where fill-in flash was not used and the camera somehow underexposed the front objects. With ColorCastFX you can easily adjust and correct the color settings and gamma of your digital pictures. It provides you with two controls, “Color Cast Fix” and “Auto Gamma”. “Color Cast Fix” enables you to fix the color using a slider and makes the image warmer. “Auto Gamma” helps you in lightening the shadows to produce natural images. It allows you to save the improved images in various image formats such as JPG, PNG, PCX, BMP, TGA and TIF. Interestingly, this useful software is absolutely free to download and install.